Secondary Schools

We offer a bespoke service tailoring our sessions especially to your requirements. We can bring nature sessions to your classroom and focus on topics such as:
- Classification! We aim to get pupils in secondary school out the classroom as much as possible. Take a walk around the school grounds with a series of various surveys. The surveys include:
-Visual where we'll bring along binoculars to try and see what birds we can see.
- Camera traps where we'll leave the trail camera out overnight to see what night time animals come along.
- Dusk surveys if the habitat is good enough we can do a bat survey and then look at the recordings the next day.
- Quadrats to see what plant species are in a particular area.
- Pooters/Pifall traps to investigate what invertebrate species are around.
- Conservation! Nowadays when people hear about conservation and endangered species their minds float to exotic places and exotic species. Most people wouldn't think of our own success stories such as the Red Kite and the Otter. Our Conservation workshop aims to explore what species are endangered in the UK, what habitat they live in and how people can do their own bit to get involved with conservation. There is a practical element to this workshop where we create a habitat or food station on the school grounds.
- Environmental Citizenship! Why is this so important?! We offer a series of workshops on Environmental Citizenship. The past few years I've attended several sites which have been affected by arson attacks. These sites have been truly devastating to see all the area which has been destroyed and all the animals have been killed as a result. As urban areas encroach more upon nature reserves there is increasing conflict.
We offer the following topics:
- Environmental Law
- Moral obligations vs The Law
- Wildlife Crimes
- Fires and their consequences
- Pollution
- Recycling
- Workshops! This is perfect for schools who wish to offer their pupils the extra chance of learning more. It looks great for applications to University as each week we cover a different topic. Topics include:
- Environmental Law
- Surveying (runs over several sessions during various times of the year depending on the species)
- Art and Nature
- Environmental Education
- Recycling and Pollution
£30 for 1 hour sessions.
£70 for the habitats survey (x2 one hour sessions also include putting out the camera trap and footprint survey on the school grounds).
£150 for 5 sessions for afternoon workshops.
Additional costs: If out of a 10 mile radius then an additional mileage cost will be added.
For more information or to book please contact Laura at