If you are looking for someone who will be able to provide an educational and fun experience then you have found the right company!
Laura has a degree in Ecology and Wildlife Conservation and has been teaching for over 10 years on specialist topics for Primary and Secondary schools (which includes English, maths, science, business, marketing and PR topics in relation to zoo businesses).
See below past experience

Field Ecologist
Getting involved with Bat surveys, reptile and amphibian surveys/translocations.

Environmental Writer
Writing articles for magazines and books. Look out for our first book!

Volunteering for various wildlife organisations in the area.

Animal Keeper
Looking after and training a variety of animals at Bournemouth Oceanarium. Loved Ziggy the Iguana. Giving the public talks and tours.
Education Officer
Worked for the UK's only Crocodile zoo! Setting up the education department and running the experiences.
Education Assistant
Running the school visits and experiences at Woburn Safari Park. Worked with a variety of animals- fell in love with the Meerkats!